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Wisage Technology Guangzhou
eCRM;eProcurement;eTender;eProject & Portfolio Mgmt;eFinance;eHCM;ePSA;eK...
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Our company provides Enterprise Management Software Private and Public Clouds with a comprehensive suite of new generation CRM, SPM, PPM, Finance, HCM, OA, BI, O2O, FAS and ERP software. The prevailing  forces of Integrated Management, Business Straight Through, Social Media, Mobility and Big Data created huge demand for such a new generation of Enterprise Management Software .  The new architecture of the new generation connects the enterprise with its buy-side in real-time, enabling critical interactions among various people in the enterprise and on the buy-side. It utilizes the cloud to provide a single view of transactions and data to all parties involved in the multi-party workflow. Similarly, the new architecture can also connect the enterprise with its contractors and suppliers in real-time to allow instant notifications and adjustments in plans and actions when the changes occur. The new architecture dramatically reduces risk, delivers efficiencies and enables rigorous compliance that keeps pace in a fast-changing business environment.
Company Profile
Company Name: Wisage Technology Guangzhou
Company Type: Manufacturers ()
Area: Caribbean Region/Bermuda
Employee :
Registered Capital: Not filled
Year Established:
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Credit guarantee: Already paid $0.00 USD
Business scope: eCRM;eProcurement;eTender;eProject & Portfolio Mgmt;eFinance;eHCM;ePSA;eKnowledge Work ERP
Sales of products: eCRM;eProcurement;eTender;eProject & Portfolio Mgmt;eFinance;eHCM;ePSA;eKnowledge Work ERP
Computer Products / Software
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